Sheet Music for THE MAID OF ARRAN (1882)
I'm a lad
That's always glad
To fling me foot
And I'm never sad,
The mountains ring
When e’er I sing
For I am blithe and gay.
The girls all think
When e’er I blink
That at their ways
I had meant to wink,
Which makes their hearts
All jump wid joy,
I'm a rollicking Irish boy.
There's just one little lass,
Who smiles when e'er I pass,
And makes my heart go bump'ty bump,
A rollicking Irish lass.
The girls know I love her,
It's my belief they're mad with grief,
They snub me now
And never bow
To this rollicking Irish boy!
Not long ago
I'd have ye know,
I was asked to McGinnisses ball to go,
I polish'd up me Sunday suit
And started for to see
What I could find
To suit me mind
In the fashion of
Sensible woman-kind
To go wid me and dance wid me,
A rollicking Irish girl!
It's aisy for to look
For fishes in a brook,
But if they haven't a mind to bite,
It’s divil a man will ye hook.
First Katy refused me,
And Biddy McCree
Said she'd go wid me,
But Oona went
With much content
Wid this rollicking Irish boy!
A Rollicking Irish Boy
From the Irish Melodrama
The Maid of Arran
Words and Music:
L. Frank Baum
In 1882-83 playwright L. Frank Baum directed and starred in The Maid of Arran. He's also credited with music and lyrics for a half dozen songs that accompanied this Irish melodrama.
In the play Baum played Hugh Holcomb and he sang the song offered here. The play was highly praised in its time and only stopped running after Baum's wife became pregnant with their first son.
L. Frank Baum as Hugh Holcomb in THE MAID OF ARRAN (1882)
So sit back and play the MIDI, download the sheet music, and listen to an Irish boy rollick! It is a charming song--but as Oz lover and musical historian James Doyle was fond of pointing out, "It's about as Irish as a Lucky Charms commercial!" A medley of all six surviving songs from The Maid of Arran can be heard on our compact disc Before the Rainbow arranged by James Doyle.
You can download the sheet music in PDF format by clicking on the Page Number links below which will allow you to save it on disc or print copies for yourself.
MIDI copyright © 2002 David Maxine
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